Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Board declares exam schedule

Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board ( GSHSEB) on Tuesday declared the schedule of the SSC, HSC science and general streams as well as the second semester board exam of XI (science).

In SSC, over 10.5 lakh students are expected to appear for the exams. Board officials have made it easy for the students by giving one-day holiday between main papers for the students to be better prepared.

In HSC (science) fourth semester exam, over one lakh students will appear which will be the final semester exam. Board has departed from tradition and not given any holiday between main papers. This exam will begin on March 18 with maths as the first paper. On March 19 chemistry, March 20 physics, March 21 English and Gujarati (first language), and on March 22 biology exams will be held.

The board has also declared the schedule of XI (science) second semester exam which will also begin from March 7.

The SSC exams will be conducted from 10 am to 1.20 pm. It will have two papers - the first paper will be objective and the second paper subjective in nature.

The SSC exams will conclude on March 16 while the HSC (general) and old course science stream exams will conclude on March 21.

Board officials said that they have sent the detailed schedule of the exams to the respective

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