Tuesday, 8 January 2013

XAT was conducted in a new pattern on Sunday

Students appearing for the Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) for admissions on January 6, Sunday, saw a lot of changes in the exam pattern this year. 

The most notable change was the inclusion of General Awareness alongside the essay section in its second paper. Paper-I saw quite a few changes with the number of questions increasing from 85 to 91 and all questions carrying equal marks unlike last year when they had a mix of 1, 1.5 and 2 mark questions. The number of questions in quantitative ability and data interpretation increased from 28 to 36, verbal and logical ability had two questions less than last year at 30, and decision making remained at 25 questions. Each question was of 1 mark and negative marking for all the questions in every section was 0.25 marks, said an official from TIME, a coaching institute. 

In paper-II, general awareness was brought in this year which might have caused anxiety among the test-takers but the difficulty level in the section was similar to that of the other management entrance test, said the official. It consisted of 30 questions with around 18 static questions and 12 from current affairs. The questions ranged from the business, sports, economy, politics, trade, international bodies both at national and international level. Part B was an essay topic on 'Corruption is the root cause of economic slowdown in India.' 

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