Saturday, 29 December 2012

A revision guide for XAT 2013

Emphasise on verbal and logical ability to score well

The final revisions for any exam need an informed and focused approach. Hence I have tried to very lucidly encapsulate the ‘what to expect’ for XAT 2013 aspirants.

To be held on January 6, XAT 2013 will consist of two parts. The first part will contain multiple choice questions on three sections with around 95100 questions on data interpretation and quantitative ability, analytical reasoning and decision making ability and verbal and logical ability. The duration of the test has been extended to three hours instead of two hours and 20 minutes as was earlier. A section on general awareness has also been added.

XAT places a lot of emphasis on verbal and logical ability and hence improvement in these areas is very important. Further, the newly introduced 40-minute section will include essay writing and general awareness.

There will be a general knowledge section comprising 20-30 questions. The questions in this section will pertain to topics such as business, economics and politics related to the business environment. One needs to have a grip on the current political and economic scenario of the country and the world. A daily read of business newspapers is useful.

Candidates should concentrate on areas such as present heads of major global/Indian companies, information on brands and companies, taglines of major global/Indian companies, significant books (such as, business related books and business biographies) released in 2011-2012, current business affairs (eg, important economic decisions, mergers and takeovers, etc), terminologies/abbreviations, related to the banking sector, economics and general business. Aspirants are expected to have awareness and critical ability to understand and analyse the economic, political and social environments today.

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