Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Students taking coaching more likely to pass IIT qualifier

Even as half of the successful candidates to the IITs this year had prepared for the exam on their own, an analysis shows that success rate was high among those who went for coaching. 

In all, 3,80,779 candidates who had done self-study appeared for the test, and 12,867 of them qualified. On the other hand, however, only 98,872 who took coaching appeared for the test, 11,245 of whom passed. 

"On an average, only one in five registered for student tool extra help (some sort of coaching) but they made up only half of the successful candidates," the analysis prepared by the IITs said. 

It further said that self-study students performed better in zones like Bombay and Madras and to a slightly lesser extent in Delhi, but they could not perform well in Guwahati, Kanpur, Roorkee and Kharagpur zones, reflecting better conditions of self-study in Bombay, Madras and Delhi zones. 

About 45 per cent of the total registered candidates came from Bombay and Madras zones as opposed to only five per cent from Guwahati, which also suggests better opportunities for students in Bombay and Madras zones. 

Interestingly, the analysis revealed that the share of OBC candidates increased in registration from towns and villages, and more OBC candidates than general candidates registered from villages. 

In all, 61 per cent of the total candidates who were offered registration were from cities, while 27 per cent were from towns and 12 per cent from villages. 

The analysis also revealed that English remained the favoured language of answering questions as more than 85 per cent of the registered candidates chose English, and they performed better than those who chose Hindi. 

Patna led the cities with the maximum number of candidates at 38,000. It was followed by Delhi and Jaipur with 36,000 and 34,000 candidates respectively.

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