Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Board declares 99% result for class XI 1 semester exam

The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB) on Monday declared over 99 per cent result of first semester exams of Class XI (science). In all, 1,16,940 students had appeared for the exam of which 617 students have failed while 241 candidates did not appear for all the exams.

In the A group, 74,536 students had appeared of which 74,097 students cleared the exam. The result was 99.41 per cent. In the B group, 42,361 students appeared for the exam of which 41,942 students passed. The result was 99.01 per cent.

Officials said that 763 students have scored 99 percentile and above in the A group while 438 students have scored over 99 percentile in the B group.

A record 86 students scored 100 out of 100 marks in chemistry while 81 students scored cent percent marks in maths and 23 students in physics. Students also scored cent per cent marks in languages where 12 students scored 100 out of 100 in English and one in Hindi. Not a single student scored cent per cent marks in biology.

Recently, the GSHSEB also declared 99 per cent result in the third semester exam of HSC (science). Officials said that the final result of HSC (science) will be declared after the fourth semester exam is conducted in March.

A total of 129 students with disabilities had also appeared for the exam of which 121 students cleared the exam.

GSHSEB chairman R R Varsani said that the semester system which was introduced in class XI and XII (science) last year will prove to be blessing for the students. "Appearing for semester exams has taken off a lot of burden from students. We are hopeful that the over all result in 2013 would be better than past years," said Varsani.

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