Saturday, 29 December 2012

Scholarships to study in France

Apply now for post graduate studies in science and engineering

Several scholarships are being offered for students who wish to pursue post graduate studies in France. The scholarships are GDF SUEZ-MFA co-financed scholarship 2013-14 and Michelin-Institut Francais en Inde scholarship 2013-15.

The French ministry of foreign affairs and the GDF SUEZ Group have announced a scholarship for high-level foreign students hailing from Brazil, Chile, China and India who are currently enrolled at university in their home countries. Only candidates from these four countries and who are not more than 28 years of age in the selection year are eligible for the programme.

The study scholarships are awarded for one year of studies in France in the second year of a master’s programme (M2) at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris in the following specialisations: Master REST: Renewable Energy Science and Technology (in English), Master WAPE: Water, Air, Pollution and Energy at local and regional scales (in English)

Master COMASIC: Master Conception and Management de systèmes informatiques complexes (in French). For more details visit for more information. The deadline for submitting applications is February 15, 2013. Aspirants can also go for the Michelin-Institut Français en Inde co-financed study scholarship that will be awarded for two years of studies in France for the master’s degree programme in the areas like mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, production engineering and mecatronics. Students will get a chance to study in IFMA (Institut Français de Mécanique avancée) or ENSCCF (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Clermont Ferrand).

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