Monday, 31 December 2012

SET to be held on February 17

After a long wait, the University of Pune (UoP) has announced the dates of the Maharashtra State Eligibility Test (SET) exam held for the posts of lecturers. It will be conducted on February 17 as per the new pattern. It was last conducted in November 2011. The next exam was expected in six months time, but the UoP has failed to do so for several reasons.

The UoP conducts the exam in Maharashtra and Goa and close to 40,000 candidates register for it each year. Every three years, the University Grants Commission (UGC) renews the approval granted to the UoP to conduct the exam in the two states. The UoP had applied for renewal of the approval in February this year. However, the approval was pending since, an official said.

Meanwhile, candidates who were preparing for the SET exam were in a dilemma. The UGC had announced the dates for the national eligibility test (NET) to be held on December 23. Students here feared there will be very little gap between the two exams. The SET exams are usually conducted in November, however, delay in the UGC approval forced the UoP to conduct it in February 2013.

As per the new pattern, the third paper will also carry objective type questions. The test will be conducted in objective mode and will consist of three papers to be held in two separate sessions.

Applications can be filled online between December 11 and 31 while the hard copy will be accepted till January 8. The admit cards will be provided to all candidates ten days before the exam, said a statement issued by the UoP.

Paper I and II consists of 100 marks each while paper III carries 150 marks.

Details of the examination are available on the website:

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