Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Tips to get better at studies

Whatever the issue is, there are things that you can do to improve your results

During your school years, there are few things that are more stressful than not being able to perform well academically. Difficulties in processing and comprehending information can serve as a significant impediment to academic excellence. In today’s high-stimulation atmosphere, it is difficult to block out distractions and concentrate on the task at hand.

With the high premium that our society places on academic excellence, poor academic performance can have dire consequences for one’s sense of selfworth, motivation and social standing. As a student, understand that if you are facing problems with academics, or are weak at a specific subject, you need to put in that extra effort to be able to compensate for it, and not let it pull you down.

  1. Identify the problem: Not knowing the exact problem will only lead you to waste time shooting in the dark. Identify specific areas of difficulty and the possible reasons behind them.
  2. Divide tasks into small goals: The thought of having to study chemistry, mathematics or history can seem daunting and de-motivating. Divide your studies into smaller, more achievable sections.
  3. Minimise distractions: If you want to concentrate on your work, keep your desk clut-ter-free and put away your cell phone. Study in short spurts of 45 minutes and take short, but frequent breaks.
  4. Use multiple methods of learning: Students have different ways of processing information and different styles of learning. If you face difficulties in reading, ask someone to read the information out to you. It is also important to practise writing notes, to make the information a part of your muscle memory.
  5. Do not be too critical of yourself: If you do badly in a test or are struggling with a subject, do not be too hard on yourself. Instead, focus on the things you have accomplished and congratulate yourself.
  6. Participate in extra-curricular activities: Do not get completely bogged down in academic issues. Instead, participate in extra-curricular activities to hone your potential.

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