Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Eleven new courses to be included in DU’S four-year programme

The four-year degree programme that was passed by the Delhi University's Academic Council on Monday will expose students to a number of courses that were not part of the structure earlier.

“We have introduced 11 foundation courses that will be compulsory for all students and will give them a broader perspective. There are courses such as governance and citizenship, language, literature and creativity, geographical and socio-economic diversity, psychology communication, life skills and culture and civilisation," said a member of the task force which had prepared the proposal.

Under the new system, the students will have five classes of the discipline subjects (major and minor) per week. This will include a class for student presentation which will contribute to internal assessment.

For the foundation courses in Hindi and English, the same pattern will be followed. For other foundation courses there will be two lecture classes and student presentation class and one tutorial per week. For the discipline courses as well, the system of tutorials will remain the same as now.

“In the fourth year, students will study courses only in their major discipline. This will include a subject-specific paper in research methodology as well,” said the task force member.

The council has also given the Vice-Chancellor the power to constitute department-wise teams who will make the syllabus that will be put forward to the course of committees.

The passed proposal has invited a lot of comments, both positive and negative.

For a lot of students who wish to pursue their masters' degree from foreign universities, it is good news. Most universities want students to have completed a four-year undergraduate degree and many are rejected because India follows a 10+2+3 pattern.

But the dissenting council members have raised points about the legality of this change.

“India's national policy for education allows a university to follow only the 10+2+3 model. There is no uniformity with other central universities. Also, the task force is an illegal body that has no statutory standing,” said Sheo Dutt, an Academic Council member.

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