Friday, 21 December 2012

Admission opens to IGNOU's online programme on biodiversity

The Indira Gandhi National Open University's (IGNOU's) Chair for Sustainable Development (CSD) announces admission to online Appreciation Programme on Sustainable Management of Biodiversity for the January 2013 session.

According to Prof. Swaminathan, Honorary Chair, CSD, "There is need for greater efforts in spreading biodiversity literacy. This is particularly important in the context of the emerging changes in temperature, precipitation and sea level as a result of global warming. By conserving and enhancing its natural resource base and using its resources sustainably we can improve the resource efficiency of its economy and reduce its dependence on biodiversity. This course promotes an improved quality of life, sustainable use, the protection of biodiversity and equitable economic prosperity."

The programme, says the press statement released by the university, is of one month duration and consists of four blocks. The blocks deal with the biodiversity and its importance, agro biodiversity, threats to biodiversity and sustainable use of biodiversity.

""The programme will provide an appreciation/understanding of the science underpinning biodiversity and will target the growing need for expertise in sustainable management of biodiversity in a changing climate and the need for mainstreaming these issues in the development planning and poverty reduction. It will promote awareness and capacity building for sustainable management of biodiversity for mainstreaming biodiversity into the daily lives of individuals,"" says the statement.

The eligibility for joining this course is a graduation degree in any subject. The post graduate students, researchers, scientists, engineers, medical doctors, stake holders, policy makers, administrators, and other professionals with requisite educational qualifications will be given preference.

The fee for the programme is Rs. 500. It can be completed in a minimum period of one month and a maximum period of six months. Online application form and other details are available at Only 50 students will be admitted for the programme (first come first basis) and the last date is 15th January, 2012.

Chair for Sustainable Development, IGNOU, was established in the year 2007 as a University level Chair, cutting across disciplines and schools. The eminent Agricultural Scientist and Father of green revolution in India, Prof. M.S. Swaminathan is the Honorary Chair for CSD.

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